Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 12, 2009

My Resume

Hanh Le Thuy    
Vice Director at Micronet Corporation,
Intuitive and insightful, Passionate, dedicated, enthusiastic and vigorous. My strong point  is public relations and digital marketing. I am a speaker on Digital Marketing in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Client Services
- Five years experience in providing  e-marketing client services to various clienteles.
- Notable networking, relationship building and new account acquisition skills.

Strategic Planning
- Advanced skills in advertising, PR, direct mail & guerilla marketing plan development & execution.
- Un-paralleled experience in alternative media planning, negotiation and implementation.


- Exceptionally skilled in selling ideas, concepts or products to individuals as well as small & large groups.
- Outstanding experience in problem identification, risk/opportunity analysis and solution development.

- Skilled in basic & advanced selling techniques for tangibles and intangibles.
- Trained in Client Centered Selling, & Value Proposition Sale Techniques.

-Excellent language skills in English, Chinenese and Vietnamese.


Branding and identity, Digital marketing, Domain, E-marketing, E-Business, online communication, Online Media, Media. Strong personal values and outstanding attitude; Accountable, flexible and committed; team player and professional.  Organization, reorganization, technology integration, process management, product design, product marketing, sales, operations.

Micronet is the corporation that own leading Online Communication Networks in Vietnam.

The strength and the influence of communication corporation are measured by owning and managing great online channels and brands. Along with its big developing process, Micronet continuously own more and build more Digital Brand and online communication channels. With these Digital Brand, Micronet will transmit its messages of prosperous and stable knowledge economy

Micronet is an Open Company

It is impossible to close when every thing is open. Society and economy which we belong to is more and more open and influence on every benefit of each individual one whether who and where we are.

Knowledge, tecnology which we have been appllying are also open knowledge, tecnology. They are richer and richer and effective thanks to public’s contribution. Our mission and vision are also open mission and vision, like others’. All projects which we have been deploying are also open projects and need every one to participate…

“Openess” is natural law in this age. Organization and operation model of Micronet are also built based on that “ open thought” background.

We believe that the above organization model would be fulcrum to make Micronet become the concentration of talents, finance and technology.

Micronet expects to share: “Mission to create a strong development economy form basing on foundation of online communication and information technology” with scientists, managers, economists and informatic specialists.

Honour to cooperate!

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